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Picture of Daniela Storti

Daniela Storti

Family Constellations Facilitator

Family Constellations and Conventional Therapy: Key Differences Explained

Dear readers,

Let’s start the journey of healing and self-discovery is a profound and personal endeavour. My name is Daniela Storti, and as a guide through the transformative realm of therapeutic practices, I’ve witnessed the remarkable impact that different approaches can have on individuals seeking healing. Among these, Family Constellation occupies a special place, offering a unique lens through which to view and address personal and familial issues. This method, conceptualized by Bert Hellinger, diverges significantly from conventional therapeutic methods in philosophy, approach, and execution. Today, I aim to provide a comprehensive exploration of Family Constellations in contrast to traditional therapy, shedding light on their distinct paths to healing.


  • Philosophical Differences: Family Constellations, founded by Bert Hellinger, is deeply influenced by the principles of interconnectedness within family systems across generations. This contrasts with the more individualistic focus of conventional therapy, which emphasizes personal thoughts, emotions, and behaviours without as much consideration for familial or ancestral contexts.
  • Methodology and Practice: Family Constellations utilizes a unique experiential approach involving representatives or figures to explore family dynamics, while conventional therapy relies on structured, verbal sessions focusing on the individual’s internal experience.
  • Healing Trajectories: Family Constellations often leads to sudden, profound insights into personal distress as manifestations of unresolved family trauma, facilitating quick emotional shifts. Conventional therapy, however, tends towards a gradual process of healing through reflection and analysis.
  • Innovative Approaches: The use of small figures in private Family Constellations sessions is highlighted as an innovative adaptation, offering a visual and emotional exploration of family dynamics that differs from traditional talk therapy.
  • Choosing Your Path: The choice between Family Constellations and conventional therapy depends on an individual’s comfort with exploring familial and ancestral influences, preference for experiential versus verbal modalities, and the specific nature of their issues.

The Philosophical Underpinnings

The Roots of Family Constellations Therapy

Bert Hellinger’s journey to developing Family Constellations began with his observations and interactions with the Zulu groups in South Africa, where he served as a missionary. The profound sense of community, belonging, and ancestral reverence within these groups inspired Hellinger to explore the significance of familial and generational bonds in personal well-being. This exploration led to the birth of Family Constellations, a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of family systems across generations.

Conventional Therapy’s Individualistic Focus

In contrast, conventional therapy, with its roots in Western psychology, often adopts a more individualistic approach. Modalities such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis, and person-centred therapy focus on the individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours as separate from their familial or ancestral contexts. This perspective aims to empower the individual through insight, behaviour modification, and emotional processing.

Methodology and Practice

The Family Constellations Experience

Family Constellations sessions, whether in groups or private settings, are characterized by their use of representatives (in group sessions) or small figures (in private sessions) to stand in for family members, including those from past generations. This method allows for the visualization and exploration of family dynamics and entanglements that may influence the individual’s current issues. The process is deeply experiential, with the facilitator guiding the constellation to uncover hidden dynamics, acknowledge them, and seek resolutions that honour all members of the system.

Traditional Therapy’s Approach

Conventional therapy sessions are typically more structured and verbal, focusing on dialogue between therapist and client. These sessions may employ techniques such as cognitive restructuring, exploration of childhood experiences, or the development of coping strategies. The therapy is primarily concerned with the individual’s internal experience and aims to facilitate change through understanding and insight.

Bert Hellinger’s Contributions

The methodology introduced by Hellinger has evolved over the years but remains grounded in the principles of acknowledgment, reconciliation, and balance within the family system. Hellinger’s work emphasizes the importance of acknowledging what is, including accepting the suffering and fates of those who came before, as a step toward healing. This acceptance is not about resignation but about understanding the place and influence of each family member in the individual’s life.

The Role of Figures in Private Family Constellations Sessions

One of the most innovative adaptations of Family and Systemic Constellations for private therapy is the use of small figures to represent family members. This approach maintains the systemic perspective of Family Constellations while offering a more intimate and accessible format for individuals uncomfortable with or unable to participate in group sessions. The figures serve as a concrete representation of the family system, allowing individuals to arrange and rearrange their family constellation physically. This method provides a powerful visual and emotional exploration of family dynamics, offering insights that might remain obscured in traditional talk therapy.

Healing Trajectories

Insights and Shifts in Family Constellations 

The systemic exploration of Family Constellations can lead to sudden and profound insights into the origins of personal distress, often revealing that issues attributed to individual pathology are, in fact, manifestations of unresolved family trauma. The resolutions found in Family Constellations therapy—whether through the acknowledgment of excluded family members, the repositioning of figures to reflect a healthier family dynamic or the expression of previously unspoken truths—can facilitate profound emotional shifts and healing.

Progression in Conventional Therapy

In conventional therapy, healing trajectories tend to be more gradual, with insights unfolding over time through reflection, analysis, and the therapeutic relationship. Progress may be measured in enhanced self-awareness, improved emotional regulation, and behavioural changes. While the pace and nature of healing differ markedly from Family and Systemic Constellations, conventional therapy offers significant benefits for those seeking to understand and transform their individual psyche.

Choosing Your Path

Deciding between Family Constellations and conventional therapy involves considering one’s comfort with exploring familial and ancestral influences, preference for experiential versus verbal modalities, and the nature of the issues at hand. For those drawn to understanding their place within a larger family system and open to the profound insights that can arise from this exploration, Family Constellations therapy offers a unique and compelling path. Conversely, individuals seeking a more introspective and individually focused journey may find greater resonance with conventional therapy.

Both Family Constellation and conventional therapy offer valuable avenues for healing and growth. Family Constellations’ systemic approach, grounded in Bert Hellinger’s innovative methodology, complements the introspective focus of traditional therapy, providing a holistic framework for understanding and addressing personal and familial issues. Whether through group constellations, private sessions with figures, or traditional therapeutic dialogues, these modalities offer diverse and rich paths toward healing.

As we navigate our unique journeys, the choice between Family and Systemic Constellations and conventional therapy—or a combination of both—reflects our personal needs, histories, and aspirations for healing. I invite you to explore these paths with an open heart and mind, embracing the opportunities for transformation that each provides.

Interested in learning more about Family Constellations? Be sure to read our detailed guide, What is Family Constellations?, for an in-depth exploration of this transformative therapeutic approach. Discover how it can unlock paths to healing and understanding.

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